Neuroscience Research - Academic Neuroscientific Research 2022
Latin America Neuroscience Event, Themes, Presentations, Lectures and Symposium - FALAN 2022
A Path to Improve Brain Health - Kirk I. Erickson
Dynamic control of Presynaptic function health and disease - Nils Brose
Stereotype threat an implicit bias - the persuasive influence of ingrained cultural stereotypes drifting women and science apart - Leticia Oliveira
Ranwel Captto Conference - Marta Hallak
Latin American Brain Initiative - Daniel Olazabal and Newton Canteras
Epilepsy: From the cells and molecules to the clinical experience in humans - Esper Cavalheiros; Lilia Morales Chacon; Silvia Kochen
Molecular Physiology of the Synapse: New Actors, New Tolls, News Visions - Chiayu Chiu; Juan Burrone; Pablo Castillo
Susceptibility into the mesocorticolimbic mechanisms controlling different aspects of reward-related behavior - Luis Tellez; Marisela Morales; Paula Cornejo; Martin Metzger
Susceptibility to psychiatric disorders in the developing brain - Anthony Grace; Jose Fuentealba; Kuei Y. Tseng
Neurobiology of fear memory: brain mechanisms and clinical Implications - Fabricio Do Monte; Leandro Bertoglio; Cynthia Katche
Reproducibility in Science and Career Advancement - Marcos Vinícius C. Baldo
Resilience and Vulnerability Systems in a Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Gal Richter-Levin
Synaptic plasticity and role of glial cells in health and disease: learning from in vivo imaging and CNS injury - Luciana Cartarozzi; Frank Morrey; Alberto J. Ramos
New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma - Glaucia N.M Hajj; Lionel Muller Igaz; María Sledad Matus; Elena Avale
The resilience of memory: maintenance, persistence and flexibility - Arturo Romano; Francisco Sotres-Bayon; Karim Nader; Maria Eugenia Pereira
Precise gears for temporal and spatial control of calcium signaling in neurons - Eduardo Javier Lopez Soto; Henrique P. von Gersdorff
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: A Perspective for the Depressed Brain - Andre Russowsky Brunoni
The reality illuminated by the models: Ruben Budelli's vision - Adriana Miglinaro; Angel Caputi; Enrique Soto Aguibar
FALAN and Word Women in Neuroscience: Regional impact of stress during the time of the Covid Pandemic - Elaine Del Bel
Embryonic alcohol exposure in zebrafish: towards the development of a model of human fetal alcohol spectrum disorders - Robert Gerlai
Glial reactivity in neurodegeneration - Patricia Cassina
The awakening of a latent stem cell niche: the role of connexin signaling - Raúl Russo
Neural circuits for anxious actions - The emerging role of mitochondria - Carmen Sandi
From cell morphology to perception: A Tribute to Luiz Carlos Siveira Legacy - Dora Ventura; Eliane Volchan; Givago Souza
Visualizing in deceased COVID-19 patients how SARS-CoV-2 attacks the respiratory and olfactory mucosa but spares the olfactory bulb - Peter Mombaerts
Paving the Way from Molecules to Diagnosis and Prevention for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Related Dementias - Carlos Alexandre Netto; Cecilia Bouzat; Ricardo Allegri; William Klein
Pain an old puzzle with new challenges - Edgar Alfonso Romero Sandoval; Pablo Rodolfo Brumovsky; Thiago Mattar Cunha
Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve - Diego Moncada; William Almaguer
Physical Exercise and Brain Health: Neural Adaptations - Carmen Vivar; Ricardo Mario Arida; João Bento Torres Neto
Cannabinoid signaling: from physiology to disease - Alline Campos; Edgard Soria; Isis Trevenzoli; Paola Cubillos
Innovative concepts on the organization of defensive behavior and fear memory - Antonio de P. Carobrez; Avisher Adhikari; Philip Tovote
Novel insights into acid sensing ion channels (ASICs): Implication for synaptic function, plasticity and neurodegenerative diseases - Enrique Soto; Rebecca Taugher; Timothy Lynagh; Carina Weissmann
From synaptic and network plasticity to behavior - Roberto De Pasquale; Ricardo M. Xavier Leão; Antonia Marín-Burgin; José Fernando Maya-Vetencourt
Mechanisms Underlying Brain Damage - Rui Prediger; Ericks Souza Soares; Kevin Wilkinson
The Use of Female Subjects in Neurosciences - Alessandra Mussi Ribeiro; Alonso Fernández-Guasti; Mohamed Kabbaj
Cannabinoids and sleep modulation - Eric Murillo-Rodriguez
The effects of maternal serotonin levels on regulatory mechanisms controlling development and behavioral outcome in the offspring - Jocelien Olivier
Impairments to Consolidation, Reconsolidation, and Long-Term Memory Maintenance Lead to Memory Erasure - Karim Nader
Tips and Tricks on Scientific Writing - Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral
Excitability Disorders and Human Neurological Diseases: Neuron-glia interplay and the corresponding experimental models - Georges E.S. Barreto; José G. Ortiz; Márcia Kronka Sosthenes
Fostering Neurobiological Approaches to Psychopathologies - Caroline Blanchard; Fatima Erthal; Leticia de Oliveira
Intrinsic and acquired causes of neurodevelopmental disorders - Amaicha Depino; Gaia Novarino; Mariano Soiza-Reilly; Patricia Garcez
Glial cells as mechanisms of diseases and therapeutic targets for the diseases nervous system - Carina Ferrari; Silvia Lima Costa; Silvia Oliveira-Bravo
Next generation strategies for diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's Disease - Caudio Hetz; Paula A. Desplats; Richard Wade-Martins

Developmental Origins of Brain Circuit Architecture and Psychiatric Disorders
Developmental Origins of Brain Circuit Architecture and Psychiatric Disorders

Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons Temporal and spatial Control
Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons Temporal and spatial Control

Neural circuits for anxious actions Role of mitochondria

Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve
Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve

Neuroscience Research, Academic Neuroscientific Research: FALAN 2022
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers
Latin American Neuroscience Societies FALAN
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers II
Neuroscience Latin America
Neuroscience South America
Neuroscience researcher
Latin America Neuroscience researcher
EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis
BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.
Neuroscience EEG
Neuroscience LatBrain
Neuroscience NIRS
Neuroscience TMS
Neuroscience Eye Tracking
Neuroscience VideoSync
Neuroscience Gait Analysis
Neuroscience EEG NIRS Data Analysis
Neuroscience Ecuador
Neuroscience EEG ERP
Latin America
México, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama,
South America
Colômbia, Venezuela, Suriname, Equador, Peru, Brasil, Bolívia, Paraguai, Uruguai, Argentina, Chile, Mexico Nicaragua Panamá, Bolivia, Brazil Colombia Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Haití, Jamaica, República Dominicana
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
Jackson Cionek

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