Neuroscience Researcher Position - 13/March/2022 – application deadline
Monday, 28 de February de 2022
Researcher position in Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute 13/March/2022 – application deadline
Neuroscience Researcher Position
The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) is a private non-profit Social Organization attached to the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The Institute is located in Macaíba, a city 25 km away from the capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, a city known for its touristic sights and urban beaches. ISD relies on an interdisciplinary approach, and offers a multidisciplinary residency program for rehabilitation of people with disabilities as well as a graduate program in Neuroengineering. ISD promotes education for life through science as a social development tool.
The institution is seeking four enthusiastic, engaged and motivated researchers to join our Neuroscience and Health interdisciplinary team. ISD seeks dynamic and flexible researchers to work in different fields of Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Data and Health Science, with graduate, undergraduate, and high school students to transform the way study, research, and applied sciences are evolving to elucidate mechanisms of the nervous system.
Official information Link:
Researcher position in Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute
- 13/March/2022 – application deadline
How to apply - Submit pdf documents to
- Letter of intent – intention to work for ISD, why and how your skills fit ISD interdisciplinary research on neuroscience and health, and research plans according to ISD research program.
- Curriculum vitae
- educational history, work experience, lab skills, soft skills, project leading, grants, publication, patent, mentoring, scientific divulgation, scientific meeting organization
Researcher to work with non-human primates
Experience with marmoset neuroscience research
Experience with invasive electrophysiology
Experience with neurophysiological signal processing
Experience with behavior analysis Experience with tissue processing
Researcher to work with humans
Experience with human neuroscience research, neurorehabilitation, assistive technology
Experience with electrophysiology, neuromodulation, human-machine interface
Experience with neurophysiological, kinematics, sensor signal processing
Researcher to work with applied data science
Experience with data mining, machine learning, big data, deep learning
Experience with Python
Experience with multi-modality data processing
Desirable experience with software and application development
Researcher to work with health sciences
Experience with translational neuroscience research, e.g. Parkinson, spinal cord injury, neurodevelopment
Experience with neuroscience methodologies from bench to application
Desirable experience with industry collaboration
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
#eegerpbci #neuroscience #eegmicrostates #smallanimalresearch #reasoning-valuation #brainionicmovements #videosynclab #physiologyandbehavior #stimuluspresentations #brainstimulation #tmsresearch #socialinteraction #eegfmri #responsedevices #eegnirscombined #nirslatam #eeglatam #emotionsintogamedesign #eyetracking #mobileeeg #neurophilosophy #riskanduncertainty #eegdataanalysis #plasticityneurofeedbackneuromodulation #choicemechanisms #neurogliainteractions #formri #eegelectrodecaps #neuroeducationneurodevelopment #primingeffect #metabolismneurotransmission #episodicsemanticmemory #tmseeg #nirsbcineurofeedback #skilllearning #motivationemotioncraving #translationalneuroscience #laboratoryregulation #investigation #languageprocessing #selfperceptionconsciousness #eegnirseyetracking #eegactiveelectrodes #bienestarwellnessbemestar #semioticsresearch #behaviorresearchlab #neurorights #neurocognition #attentionperceptionaction #attentioncontrolconsciousness #functionalconnectivity #executivelegislativejudgmentfunctions #sportmotorbehavior #neuropolitics #cognitiveneuroscience #stresslearningbullying #humancompetence #sentienceconsciousness #decisionmaking #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #socialpreferences #culturalneuroscience #brainbiochemicalhomeostasis #autonoeticconsciousness #agingmaturityinnocence #sleepluciddream #neuroeconomics #inhibitorycontrolswitching #neuroart #psyneuroimmune #cognitiveconsciousness #qualiaconsciousintentionality #feelingmoodsemotion #braingutaxis #affectivecomputing #emotion-craving #physiologybehavior #brainstimtms #interactvideoanalysis #mobilenirs #mobileeyetracking #braingutaxis #implicitlearning #sleep #aging #feelingintuitperceiveemotions #emotionscraving #auditorysystem #physiologymetabolism #lifespandevelopment #braingutaxis #emotionscraving #auditorysystem #eegnirslatinamerica #lifespandevelopment #neurovisceral #neuralsensitivity #neuralsensitivity #physiologicalresponses #sportmotorbehavior #braingutaxis #feelingintuitionperceptionsemotions #latinamerica #brainemotionalreactivity #embodiedconsciousness #babyinfantresearch #brainstates #brain #nirsfnirs

Neuroscience Researcher Position - 13/March/2022 – application deadline: Neuroscience Researcher Position - 13/March/2022 – application deadline
Monday, 28 de February de 2022
Researcher position in Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute 13/March/2022 – application deadline
Neuroscience Researcher Position
The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) is a private non-profit Social Organization attached to the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The Institute is located in Macaíba, a city 25 km away from the capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, a city known for its touristic sights and urban beaches. ISD relies on an interdisciplinary approach, and offers a multidisciplinary residency program for rehabilitation of people with disabilities as well as a graduate program in Neuroengineering. ISD promotes education for life through science as a social development tool.
The institution is seeking four enthusiastic, engaged and motivated researchers to join our Neuroscience and Health interdisciplinary team. ISD seeks dynamic and flexible researchers to work in different fields of Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Data and Health Science, with graduate, undergraduate, and high school students to transform the way study, research, and applied sciences are evolving to elucidate mechanisms of the nervous system.
Official information Link:
Researcher position in Edmond and Lily Safra International Neuroscience Institute
- 13/March/2022 – application deadline
How to apply - Submit pdf documents to
- Letter of intent – intention to work for ISD, why and how your skills fit ISD interdisciplinary research on neuroscience and health, and research plans according to ISD research program.
- Curriculum vitae
- educational history, work experience, lab skills, soft skills, project leading, grants, publication, patent, mentoring, scientific divulgation, scientific meeting organization
Researcher to work with non-human primates
Experience with marmoset neuroscience research
Experience with invasive electrophysiology
Experience with neurophysiological signal processing
Experience with behavior analysis Experience with tissue processing
Researcher to work with humans
Experience with human neuroscience research, neurorehabilitation, assistive technology
Experience with electrophysiology, neuromodulation, human-machine interface
Experience with neurophysiological, kinematics, sensor signal processing
Researcher to work with applied data science
Experience with data mining, machine learning, big data, deep learning
Experience with Python
Experience with multi-modality data processing
Desirable experience with software and application development
Researcher to work with health sciences
Experience with translational neuroscience research, e.g. Parkinson, spinal cord injury, neurodevelopment
Experience with neuroscience methodologies from bench to application
Desirable experience with industry collaboration
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
Jackson Cionek
#eegerpbci #neuroscience #eegmicrostates #smallanimalresearch #reasoning-valuation #brainionicmovements #videosynclab #physiologyandbehavior #stimuluspresentations #brainstimulation #tmsresearch #socialinteraction #eegfmri #responsedevices #eegnirscombined #nirslatam #eeglatam #emotionsintogamedesign #eyetracking #mobileeeg #neurophilosophy #riskanduncertainty #eegdataanalysis #plasticityneurofeedbackneuromodulation #choicemechanisms #neurogliainteractions #formri #eegelectrodecaps #neuroeducationneurodevelopment #primingeffect #metabolismneurotransmission #episodicsemanticmemory #tmseeg #nirsbcineurofeedback #skilllearning #motivationemotioncraving #translationalneuroscience #laboratoryregulation #investigation #languageprocessing #selfperceptionconsciousness #eegnirseyetracking #eegactiveelectrodes #bienestarwellnessbemestar #semioticsresearch #behaviorresearchlab #neurorights #neurocognition #attentionperceptionaction #attentioncontrolconsciousness #functionalconnectivity #executivelegislativejudgmentfunctions #sportmotorbehavior #neuropolitics #cognitiveneuroscience #stresslearningbullying #humancompetence #sentienceconsciousness #decisionmaking #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #socialpreferences #culturalneuroscience #brainbiochemicalhomeostasis #autonoeticconsciousness #agingmaturityinnocence #sleepluciddream #neuroeconomics #inhibitorycontrolswitching #neuroart #psyneuroimmune #cognitiveconsciousness #qualiaconsciousintentionality #feelingmoodsemotion #braingutaxis #affectivecomputing #emotion-craving #physiologybehavior #brainstimtms #interactvideoanalysis #mobilenirs #mobileeyetracking #braingutaxis #implicitlearning #sleep #aging #feelingintuitperceiveemotions #emotionscraving #auditorysystem #physiologymetabolism #lifespandevelopment #braingutaxis #emotionscraving #auditorysystem #eegnirslatinamerica #lifespandevelopment #neurovisceral #neuralsensitivity #neuralsensitivity #physiologicalresponses #sportmotorbehavior #braingutaxis #feelingintuitionperceptionsemotions #latinamerica #brainemotionalreactivity #embodiedconsciousness #babyinfantresearch #brainstates #brain #nirsfnirs
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