
Showing posts from June, 2022

Human Competence Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência

Human Competence Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência Human Competence Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência 30/06/2022 08:24:45   Author:  Jackson Cionek Human Competence Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência  Wellbeing Resilience  Skills List of Competences:  Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)  Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)  Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)  Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)  Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)  Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados )  De Direito (Fa

Filosofia da Mente, Neuro Semiotics, The communication of bodies, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Perception and Action, EEG-Microstates, EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 ICA

Filosofia da Mente, Neuro Semiotics, The communication of bodies, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Perception and Action, EEG-Microstates, EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 ICA Wednesday, 29 de June de 2022 Filosofia da Mente, Neuro Semiotics, The communication of bodies, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Perception and Action, EEG-Microstates, EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 ICA Semiotics Research Big data e os sentidos da vida - Neuro Semiotics Big data e os sentidos da vida A comunicação dos corpos Neuro Semiotics A comunicação dos corpo comunicacion corporal EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication 2022 Types of  EEG 32 EEG 64 EEG 128  | EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG Microstates | EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 Perception and Action Neuroscience of Perception  1/2 Neuroscience of Perception  2/2 Filosofia da Mente | Perception and Action  Filosofia da Mente   Semiotics Research | NeuroSemiotics 00:00:00 - 01:56:00 Semiotics Research Big data e os sentid

Behavior Conferences, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Meetings, Physiology and Behavior, EEG fMRI - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA CSD LORETA Wavelets DSA Cognitive Neuroscience  CNS 2022 Neurociencia y SociedadNeuroscience 2022 Behavioral Neuroscience Meetings - Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Conductual - Latinoamericanos e Intencionales Encontros de Neurociência Comportamental - Latino-Americanos e IntencionaisSociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e ComportamentoSociedad Chilena de Neurociencia EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 EEG fMRI Analyzing fMRI data | EEG fMRI Analyzing fMRI data EEG Data Analysis EEG Data Analysis Analyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transfor

Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho, Neuroeducation, The Craving Brain - Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Democracia

Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho, Neuroeducation, The Craving Brain - Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Democracia Sunday, 26 de June de 2022 Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho, Neuroeducation, The Craving Brain - Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Democracia Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho Human Competence - O Cérebro Humano como Centro do nosso Universo O Cérebro Humano como Centro do nosso Universo Neuroeducation  1/3 Neuroeducation 2/3 Motivation, Emotion And Craving The Craving Brain  | Motivation, Emotion And Craving The Craving Brain Democracia | Laico Democrático Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities.But it is cowardly and illegal to question the Secular Democratic State and Law when you are being protected by one.Dentro de um estado Laico Democrático e de Direitos os indivíduos estão livres e protegidos em suas subjetividades.Mas é uma atitude covarde e ilegal questionar

Brain States, Consciousness, Altered states of consciousness, Body Language, Brain Gut Axis - Processamento de Linguagem, Learn How to Read Word, Language and the way we think

Brain States, Consciousness, Altered states of consciousness, Body Language, Brain Gut Axis - Processamento de Linguagem, Learn How to Read Word, Language and the way we think Brain States Consciousness Altered states of consciousness Body Language Brain Gut Axis - Gut and Brain Gut and Brain Mucosal Immunity Leaky Gut Language Processing - Processamento de Linguagem Processamento de Linguagem Language Processing  - Learn How to Read Word Learn How to Read Word Laico Religion freedom  Language and the way we think Onomatopeias Brain States, Consciousness, Altered states of consciousness, Body Language, Brain Gut Axis - Processamento de Linguagem, Learn How to Read Word, Language and the way we think : Brain States, Consciousness, Altered states of consciousness, Body Language, Brain Gut Axis - Processamento de Linguagem, Learn How to Read Word, Language and the way we think Brain States Consciousness Altered states of consciousness Body Language Brain Gut Axis - Gut and Brain G